PUBG Mobile Events

15.05, 04:00
Viki Gamer
Welcome everyone...
PUBG Mobile
Team Play
Viki Gamer
 · 1 member
Features for PUBG Mobile players
Team Search
New way to search for teammates, use filters, tags and text description to find the right players
Create a community
Are you a manager or team captain? Do you host tournaments or broadcasts? Use LF.GROUP to create your community page: manage training sessions and team calendar, find players, organize a competition or announce a broadcast
A powerful set of job tools allows teams to process applications based on criteria: rank, region, K/D, age, tournament achievements and more! Create a team page, accept applications and ask questions to candidates
Set up your LF.Group profile
Register on the site in two clicks and set up your profile from the proposed parameters. Your victories are near!